The Seven Gardens
By Aurélie Dorzée & Tom Theuns
Aurélie Dorzée : Voice, violin, viola d'amore, trumpet, psalterion
Tom Theuns : Voice, mandolin, mandocello, sitar, guitar
After two years of composing, rehearsing and recording Tom & Aurélie proudly present their seventh album with the label Homerecords. Due to the amount and diversity of the material, it has become a double album with no less than 21 tracks divided over 7 musical gardens. Each garden has its own atmosphere : folk, baroque, cabaret, humour, oriental, erotic en tropical.
They became a little bit obsessed with the number 7 so they sang in 7 languages (French, Walloon, Dutch, German, English, Latin and Italian), the lyrics are by 7 poets (Prévert, Van Ostayen, Claus, Rilke, Aragon, Ovidius and …us) and they used 7 instruments (violin, viola d’amore, trumpetviolin, mandolin, mandocello, sitar en guitar) .
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