Il y a une charmeuse de tympans, des paysages sonores, des pistes délicates entre ombres et lumières. Il y a un imaginaire organique, des fulgurances, des paradoxes et des éclats de voix. Il y a un univers captivant où « rien ne se perd, rien ne se crée, tout se transforme » par la grâce de la pensée magique.
À la faveur de chansons originales qui sonnent comme autant d’invitations au voyage, ilia trace la cartographie d’un monde encore à explorer. La fille à la fossette y dévoile ses
« sincertitudes » dans des histoires à contre-jour riches en textures. Auteure, compositrice et interprète, la jeune Liégeoise malaxe des climats bruts parés de tonalités roots volontiers imbibées de la chaleur des déserts.
Il y a et il y aura des brumes tribales, des oasis pop-folk tout en nuances et la promesse d’une délicate alchimie à partager en live.
Il y a ilia.
ilia is an enchantress of music, soundscapes, delicate tracks between shadows and lights. ilia is an organic dream, flashes, paradoxes and bursts of voice. ilia is a captivating universe where "nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed" by the spellbinding imagination.
Through these original songs that sound like so many invitations to travel, ilia traces the cartography of a world yet to be explored. The girl with dimples reveals her "sincerities" in backlit stories rich in textures. Author, composer and performer, the young singer from Liège kneaded rough climates adorned with roots tones gladly soaked with the heat of the deserts.
Tribal mists, nuanced pop-folk oases and the promise of a delicate alchemy.
That’s ilia.
ilia is an enchantress of music, soundscapes, delicate tracks between shadows and lights. ilia is an organic dream, flashes, paradoxes and bursts of voice. ilia is a captivating universe where "nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed" by the spellbinding imagination. Through these original songs that sound like so many invitations to travel, ilia traces the cartography of a world yet to be explored. The girl with dimples reveals her "sincerities" in backlit stories rich in textures. Author, composer and performer, the young singer from Liège kneaded rough climates adorned with roots tones gladly soaked with the heat of the deserts. Tribal mists, nuanced pop-folk oases and the promise of a delicate alchemy. That’s ilia.
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