Smells Like Aranis
By Aranis
Liesbeth Lambrecht : Violin / Alto
Pierre Chevalier : Piano
Marjolein Cools : Accordion
Jana Arns : Flute - alto / Flute
Joris Vanvinckenroye : Double bass
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Aranis became one of the innovators of new Belgian music in the last 14 years. For this album they once again change course. the point of departure this time will be the music of 'Nirvana'. At first sight Aranis doesn't have much in common with this cult band of the nineties, but if you look further you'll find a link! The musical spirit of the time in which the musicians of Aranis grew up and in which they live now is one of the most important underlying motives of their music. The theme of the original songs: anger, madness, boredom, depression,..., are brought together in a new and challenging programm. Aranis wouldn't be Aranis if this recognizable material wouldn't lead it's very own life. The result is confrontational and astonishing! Do not expect covers, nor mellow classical arrangements, but expect a totally new interpretation and performance of Nirvana by Aranis! A musical adventure that makes one long for more!
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