By Max Vandervorst
Max Vandervorst
Pataphonic instruments, guitar, charango, ukulele, cigar box, bass clarinet
Aurélie Goudaer - violin
Michel Massot - Sousaphone & euphonium (tuba)
Stephan Pougin - pataphonic percussion
Franck Wuyts - keyboard, melodica
Max Vandervorst is composer and inventor of musical instruments. Since 1988, he has put together a number of performances, showcasing instruments he created using a wide variety of objects as raw material. The PATAPHONIA project offers an encounter between these
invented instruments and traditional instruments (piano, tuba, violin, percussion). Fifteen original music titles: acoustic and colorful, oscillating between folk, classical and jazz sounds… Decidedly traditional rhythmic forms: waltz, tango, polka, ragtime, cakewalk, along with more whimsical ramblings.
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