Cinquième Saison
By Charneux - Leleux - Puma Trio
Aurélie Charneux: Clarinet, Composition
Simon Leleux: Percussions
Nicolas Puma: Double bass
Dates confirmed for the Trio Charneux - Leleux - Puma for the year 2025.

There exists an intercontinental music from a country that doesn’t exist, a place where sounds can cross paths and converse freely, without baggage or passport. As warm as the snowdrifts of the Taiga, and cooler than the torpor of the sub-Saharan heat... Climate change, the drifting of continents, forced migrations—today's world is shaking up our reference points... The work presented here explores and reclaims various musical traditions, whether close or distant, and aims to create a sound with a fluid identity. Here, an Aboriginal rhythm evokes classical chamber music; there, modes from both sides of the Mediterranean meet for the first time... It’s the joy and risk of erasing boundaries. "There are no more seasons," or perhaps a fifth season, one that defies conventions. Moments of improvisation, sometimes bordering on trance, bring us with elegance to both vigor and intimacy. An equilateral trio where Simon Leleux (a specialist of the doholla and darbuka), double bassist Nicolas Puma, a versatile and chameleon-like musician, and the generous breath of clarinetist Aurélie Charneux, who also composes most of the material, engage in a dynamic dialogue. The Prisma Quartet adds a string color to several tracks on the album.
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